Office Descriptions

Job Description of Buona Fortuna Officers

Unless otherwise provided by the laws of the Grand Lodge, the Local Lodge shall hold its election during the month of February of each year. At such election, the assembly is to elect: (a) The President (b) The Vice President (c) The Orator (d) The Recording Secretary (e) The Financial Secretary (f) The Treasurer (g) Trustees (h) Master and Mistress of Ceremony (i) The Guard (j) The Arbitration Commissioners and Alternate Commissioner.


The President is the highest ranking officer and the leader of the Local Lodge and as such:

(a) Calls and presides over all the meetings of the Council and of the assembly.

(b) Sees that the laws of the Local Lodge are observed and the deliberations of the Council and of the assembly are carried out.

(c) Sees that the laws of the Order are respected and observed, and the orders of the Supreme Lodge and of the Grand Lodge are obeyed.

(d) Controls the affairs of the Local Lodge and supervises the performance of duties by the other officers of the Council.

(e) Signs the minutes of the meetings of the assembly and all orders of payment, checks, correspondence and all documents of the Local Lodge.

(f) Appoints all committees of the Local Lodge, of which the President is an ex officio member.

(g) Refrains from making proposals at the meetings of the assembly; participates in discussions only to clarify the issues presented, and votes only in case of a tie.

(h) After hearing the opinion of the Orator, the President rules upon controversies involving the application of the laws.

(i) When disorder arises in the meeting of the assembly or of the Council, the President may silence or censure the member or members causing such disorder. If such member or members persist in causing disorder, the President may fine, silence or expel the member or members from the hall or suspend the meeting.


The Vice President is the second ranking officer of the Local Lodge. As such, the Vice President assists the President and takes the President’s place when the President is absent or unable to act. In the absence of the President, the Vice President performs the duties and exercises the prerogatives of the President to the same extent and with like power which the President would have, if present.


The office of Immediate Past President shall be given to the member who has served one complete term as President of the Local Lodge immediately preceding the incumbent. If, on account of death, disqualification, resignation or removal, the office of Immediate Past President becomes vacant, the office shall be filled from the preceding former Presidents. In case there is no preceding former Presidents, the office of the Immediate Past President shall be filled by electing such officer from among the members of the Local Lodge who have served a full term as officers of such Local Lodge. The Immediate Past President assumes the office of President whenever the President and the Vice President are unable to act or are absent from the meeting of the Council or of the assembly, and performs the duties as directed by the President to the same extent and with like powers as the President, if present.


The Orator gives opinions concerning the application and interpretation of the laws of the Order and sees that the laws of the Order are observed and properly applied. In matters which relate to the administration of the affairs of the Local Lodge, the Orator is subordinate to the President. In matters relating to the exercise of Judicial Power, the Orator is subordinate to the State or National Orator. The Orator, either on the Orator’s own initiative or upon complaint being made to the Orator, shall have power to prefer written charges against a member who has violated the laws of the Order.


The Recording Secretary is the custodian of the archives and the keeper of the seal of the Local Lodge. The Recording Secretary’s duties are:

(a) To take and record the minutes of the meetings of the Council and of the assembly and to present the minutes at the next meeting. Maintain attendance records for the Council.

(b) To be the sole officer through whom a member may communicate with the Grand Council.

(c) To act as the clerk of the Local Lodge Arbitration Commission when such Commission is in session, except in case the Recording Secretary is an interested party.

(d) Within ten days after receipt, to forward to the State Recording Secretary all appeals referred or presented to the Recording Secretary by members because of administrative irregularities. The appeals when forwarded shall be accompanied by a report of the views expressed by the Council. (e) To carry out all orders which the Recording Secretary may receive, in matters pertaining to the office, from the President or from the higher ranking officers of the Order.


 The Financial Secretary is the collector and accountant of the Local Lodge. The Financial Secretary’s duties are:

(a) To collect dues and assessments and issuing receipts.

(b) To write orders of payment, affixing the Financial Secretary’s signature thereon, together with that of the President.

(c) To present orders of payment to the Treasurer, who issues the checks.

(d) To make up and keep up to date financial records, particularly those entrusted to the Financial Secretary by the Grand Lodge or Supreme Lodge. Those financial records are: The ledger, the journal book, the financial statements, and the orders of payments.

(e) To notify by mail those members who are in default with the payment of dues and assessments.

(f) To announce members in default with the payment of dues and assessments to the assembly. (g) To communicate, at the end of each meeting of the assembly, the total collections and disbursements made on the day of the meeting.

(h) To make a quarterly financial report, audited and signed by no less than three trustees. Send a copy to the State Financial Secretary.

(i) To make payment of the Capita Tax, computed on the basis of the number of members listed on the membership roll at the end of each quarter, not later than January 15th, April 15th, July 15th, and October 15th of each year.

(j) To carry out all orders which the Financial Secretary may receive, in matters affecting the office, from the President and from higher ranking officers of the Order.


The Treasurer is the custodian of the funds of the Local Lodge. The Treasurer’s duties are:

(a) To receive at the end of each meeting all money collected by the Financial Secretary and to issue proper receipts.

(b) To record in and keep up to date the Cash Book of the Local Lodge. The Treasurer shall register monthly income and disbursements of the Local Lodge.

(c) Not later than three days after each meeting, to deposit in previously designated banks the funds received by the Treasurer in accounts opened in the name of the Local Lodge.

(d) To issue and sign checks upon the receipt of proper order of payment. Consign with the Financial Secretary for delivery to the payee.

(e) To withdraw funds from savings accounts opened in the name of the Local Lodge; provided the withdrawal slip also bears the signature of the President and the Financial Secretary.

(f) To carry out such orders which the Treasurer may receive, in matters pertaining to the office, from the President or from the higher ranking officers of the Order.


The Trustees supervise the affairs of the Local Lodge and are members of the Council. Their duties are:

(a) To examine and audit the books kept by the Financial Secretary and the Treasurer of the Local Lodge.

(b) To examine and audit the quarterly report of the Financial Secretary, certifying as to its correctness by affixing their signatures on the reports. No less than three Trustees’ signatures in addition to that of the Financial Secretary are needed.

(c) To perform such additional duties, in matters pertaining to their office, as directed by the President.


The Masters and/or Mistresses of Ceremonies are officers of the Local Lodge who participate in ceremonial activities during the course of the meetings of the assembly of the Local Lodge.


The Guard is the doorkeeper of the Local Lodge. The Guard’s duty is to exclude strangers from the meetings of the assembly and to admit members and guests.


The Local Lodge Arbitration Commission is the judicial branch of the Local Lodge.The Local Lodge Arbitration Commission is composed of five (5) regular members, known as Commissioners, and five alternate members, known as Alternate Commissioners. The members shall meet immediately following their installation and elect a President from their membership, who shall be known as President of the Local Lodge Arbitration Commission. The President shall be entitled to vote at any meeting of the Commission and shall preside at all meetings.

Local Lodges holding biennial elections shall elect their Arbitration Commission members for a period of two (2) years and shall serve until their successors are elected and installed. Whenever a vacancy occurs among the Commissioners, it shall be filled by the Alternate Commissioner who received the highest number of votes during the election of the Alternate Commissioners.

The Local Lodge Arbitration Commission shall act as a commission of jurisdiction: (a) To hear complaints filed by the Local Lodge Orator against members and Officers (except the President) of the Local Lodge. (b) To hear complaints filed by members of the Local Lodge against members and Officers (except the President) of the Local Lodge.

Positions appointed (not elected by the membership) by the President: Herald, Chaplain and Corresponding Secretary.


The Herald is a ceremonial officer of the Local Lodge appointed by the presiding officer during the meetings of the assembly of the Local Lodge.The duties of the Herald are to assist the presiding officer on the occasion of the institution of the Local Lodge, the installation of officers and the initiation of new members in the Local Lodge.


The Chaplain’s primary duties shall be to conduct, whenever practicable, all religious exercises of the Local Lodge. The Chaplain shall also perform such other duties relating to the office, as shall be assigned to the office from time to time by the President.


To make up and keep up to date the email roll of the Local Lodge. To care for correspondence and write letters or emails as directed by the President or Recording Secretary. Prepare meeting agendas with the President, write and send notices for meetings.